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fracture stress中文是什么意思

用"fracture stress"造句"fracture stress"怎么读"fracture stress" in a sentence


  • 断裂应力
  • 破断应力
  • 破坏应力
  • 破裂应力


  • The smaller the curvature and the larger the crack length the smaller will be the fracture stress .
  • Brittle fracture stress
  • The consistency of the energy criterion and the stress intensity factor criterion to model i crack is discussed concisely , and the new method to calculate linear critical fracture stress is presented
  • The basic frame of the theory of tangent modulus in fracture mechanics is builded , and the new method of tangent modulus factor to calculate nonlinear critical fracture stress is presented
    本文论述了断裂力学中的切线模量理论的基本框架,提出了求解非线性断裂临界应力的新方法? ?切线模量因子算法,并对该方法同现有的cod法作了理论上和计算上的比较。
  • Rotation - cavitation mechanism was outlined based on the experiment results and the essential conditions for the occurrence of auxetic properties in polyolefin blends were concluded as followed : firstly there must be at least two phases , the matrix can be soft materials which were able to be networks when being stretched , as well as suitable consistence must be provided between two phases . fracture stress work measurement was optioned to characterize the force between two phases . finally , the auxtic property repeatability of the blends was measured and the fact that the auxetic property could only occur in the elastic range was certificated by the result that only the specimens which were stretched for 5s , 10s had repeatability after being retained for 1 months
    实验工作的最后一部分研究了体系负泊松比效应的可重复性,选取稳定的负泊松比共混体系在测试数据采集时间为55 、 105 、 155 、 205条件下进行测试,将样条放置l天、 10天、 30天进行测试,测试结果表明,在5s 、 105条件下测试的试样在放置一个月后泊松比测试结果具有可重复性,证实了体系的负泊松比现象发生在材料的弹性形变范围内。
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